The Holy Bible is a book about recovery. It records how the world began
and how God created it to be good. Then it tells us about the beginning
of sin-about the first time people decided to reject God's plan. It
spells out the fatal consquences that result from rejecting God's
program. It is this program that reveals a plan for recovery and the
source of the power to accomplish it. It provides you with the only
pathway to wholeness-God's program for reconciliation and healing.

The Bible is the greatest book on recovery ever written. In its pages you will
see God set out a plan for the recovery of his broken people and
creation. You will meet numerous individuals whose hurting lives are restored
through the wisdom and power of God. You will meet the God who is waiting with
arms outstretched for you to turn back to Him, seek after His
will, and recover the wonderful life He has for you.

Recovery is letting God do for you what you cannot do for yourself, while
also taking the steps necessary to draw closer to your Creator and
Redeemer. It is the simple but challenging process of daily seeking
God's will for your life instead of demanding to go your own way.

Let us set out together on the journey toward healing and newfound
strength -not strength found within ourself, but strength found through
trusting God and allowing Him to direct our decisions and plans. This
journey will take you through the Twelve Steps and other materials
designed to help you focus on the provisions our powerful God offers for

Without God there is no recovery, only disappointing substitutions and
repeated failure. God wants to heal your brokenness and set you
on the path toward wholeness.
Praise God Thank You Jesus!